Thursday, March 22, 2007

I usually do this to people...

Disclaimer, this is not on my butt.

Looks like El Guapo got dog bit today. I treated it just like I would a wound in the hospital, except I would have had on gloves Somehow it just did not seem necessary with a dog. Anyway you always make a picture to start out so you can document any changes.

Cleaned it real good with soap and water. No peroxide, that just kills all the good stuff the body puts out to heal itself. Those bubbles with peroxide, that's just the O2 from all the red blood cells you have just destroyed escaping.

The reason we all survived childhood with our mothers putting alcohol and peroxide on us is because we were young and strong. Throw in some vascular problems, a little renal insufficiency, you can create some real problems for yourself in your golden years. Posted by Picasa



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