Wednesday, March 25, 2009

More Rome Pictures...

I think these might be from the Vatican. I am not sure but without Mary to navigate I'll just kind of make stuff up about these pictures as I post them. As usual I will draw from daily experiences to heighten your enjoyment.

I came upon a guy today, a little older than me. He was sitting at a computer Facebooking some web site connected to a college he attended and he showed me a picture of him and his buds from the mid 70s.

Here is a picture of buds I went to college with in the mid to late 70s. Even though they appear to be ancient stone heads, they were really a lot of fun and I can't really blame them if they were so much fun that I had to take a big ugly nap and it took me till the next century to finally finish a degree.

This guy lived across the hall from me in the dorm. Very gentle and soft spoken. Spent his week nights in study and weekends quietly crying for his mom. Married a former Mrs. Texas.
This girl was in a basket weaving class I took. One of those Earth Mommas, she was caught totally off guard by the comprehensive final.
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"...I know I've seen that face before," Big Jim was thinking to himself "Maybe down in Mexico or a picture up on somebody's shelf..."Bob Dylan from "Lilly Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts
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