Saturday, February 28, 2015

No Catch on The Sabine...

Or as a subtitle some might wonder "What was it exactly were you doing as you stripped down for the state trooper and was it your idea or hers?" Anyway the fish did not bite for us but a trip to the Sabine with cousin Beverly and her husband Donny was not without fun and a small measure of excitement.  

We were just about to the turn when the trooper thought I was in a bit of a hurry and pulled me over. Bundled as I was for a cold day of fishing a request by the nice lady trooper caused me to have to exit the truck and shuck some outer layers to gain access to my wallet. I guess she had mercy on me or maybe she was thinking (I have this on good authority) can't wait to show this dashboard camera video at the next trooper Christmas party. I am now about 5 out of 6 on avoiding citations at this point in time and did not even have to undress for all of them. As this warning ticket proves "Violator: Wallace Carl Eugene." That's me. 

As to the Sabine the recent rains have the river way up from two weeks ago when they were biting well. Yesterday the did not bite at all. The high water has scattered them. You can see from this photo Cathy sits instead of stringing, Donny casts with no result as Beverly paces the bank in search of just the right current eddy into which to cast. 
As we took a lunch break three boats showed up and anchored off our little sand bar. If you look at their position in the photo that is about where we stood to catch fish when the river was at lower levels. They were using the same road runner jigs as us. Before the showed up we had poured about 1000 cast in that area with no result. They did not have any better luck than we did. . 

Maybe in a couple of weeks provide there's not too much rain we will try again. 


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