Friday, January 25, 2019


I drove a friend to a doc appointment in the Woodlands yesterday and as we sat that afternoon I could see from the fast food restaurant where we dined a sign that said Woodlands Seafood. If you recall it is somewhat of a tradition, documented many times on these pages that brother in law Kevin, on his arrival from Indiana stops and buys oysters on the half shell at the Woodlands Seafood to bring to the family Christmas celebration.  He did it this year and on seeing the sign I decided on oysters for supper. 

They had four kinds of oysters from Texas, Louisiana, Florida and Canada. I am well familiar with Texas and Louisiana oysters and have probably been unknowingly served Florida oysters. I'll have to ask my Canadian son in law, Peter about his country's oysters. We are fans of the Texas oyster. It just seems right, like being married to a Texas girl. They were the cheapest compared to the Louisiana oysters which I would have considered if that was the only choice but you can't beat $39 for a 50 count sack. Once long ago a waiter at the fine Galveston Restaurant Gaido's told me when the water is cold eat the oyster. When it's hot eat the crab. I have lived by that creed ever since.      

I began shucking and Cathy started the preparations for various ways to cook them. By the way these things shucked very easy. A 100% shell out. This photo captures a butter garlic cilantro sauce that was sprinkled with parmesan and broiled in the oven.  

Of course some were eaten raw. 

Here is Cathy with what you could call an oyster four way. Fried, broiled, Rockefeller and raw. I though for a brief time we would have to make a quick run to the Woodlands for more. For Suzi and Charlie who we invited over but they could not make it, I hope you feel better but it's a good thing we did not have to drive back to the Woodlands for more which I would have done just for you. I do have a grip of when we get together how many oysters we will need.   

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