Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Family Visit, New Neighborhood to Explore...

With Miguel at the wheel, me on the tunes and Cathy, Mary, Ezra and Luca holding down the backseats we made a drive to Chicago to visit Katie, Peter and Wallace. Round trip that's 2100 miles, 34 hours of driving and 455 tunes played out 4100 on my usb drive. It was a smooth trip. 

Kind of a walk in the park like you see the crew doing right here. 

One of the reasons to visit was to see the new house. The PK and Wallace moved from the Humboldt Park neighborhood to an area called Bridgeport. Here's a street view. While Humboldt Park was many 100 year old homes, some possibly original to the area you can see a mix of old and new in this area. The Tulloch house is an new construction.    

Here's a look down the street. Bridgeport is a old area dating to the French fur trappers. An originally mostly Irish area it's been the home or birthplace to five Chicago mayors and was known at one time for racial intolerance. Today the area is largely Hispanic or Latino and Chinese (Chinatown is nearby) and is a model of a diversified neighborhood and is the new hip place to be.  

The new house. 

The back deck and garage. We all worked together to apply the weather protection stain to the deck. There is not any yard as the house pretty much takes the whole lot. 

Another deck view. There is a garage for parking and the house is total living space on two top floors and a finished our basement with a play room and two bedrooms. 

I made a couple of hundred photos so this trip will make blogging material for the fun experiences we had with family. 


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