Saturday, August 20, 2005

How do you spend a 100 degree day in Texas?


I think the gobal warming thing is going to be allright. Caught these boys this afternoon between 3:30 and 6:30. It was hot at the lake. Course they bite year around, just more fun to fish for them when you can jump in and cool off.

Stored them in the freezer for fish frys this winter when it's too cold to go to the lake. Got about this many times five frozen.

That ply wood is not the bottom of my boat.


Blogger Dan Maxwell said...

What this here blog needs is some comments...

I chose to get out early this morning before the heat got too intense. Took some pictures (some of which will find their way onto my blog, soon), watered the plants, came inside, called the Police to report finding what I believe to be shuttle debris and recorded an audio get well card for my blind Aunt who broke her leg last week. Cops never did show up - suppose it was too hot for the heat - or they just aren't too interested in shuttle parts any more?

..and a shameless plug...

To see my blog click here* or enter into your browser's address bar :-)

*you'll have to right click and select new page or tab, if you want to see my page without leaving this one, as these good folks won't allow me to use the 'target' attribute on the link!

10:16 PM  
Blogger Carl said...

I post this comment by my father in law Bill Cooney from an email he sent me:

The 100 degree day was here Sat. and I spent the large part of the day on the tractor trying to catch up on the mowing. It made me recall doing yard work when I was a kid(UGH) and appreciative we kids were when a cloud came up over the sun and bonus bonus maybe a little breeze came up---A wise man once said, "Growin' old ain't for sissies!"

8:41 PM  

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