Monday, May 14, 2007

All foot loose and fancy free this morning...

Man, I don't have to work, no school, what do I do now? Good thing my wife never reads this, she would want to make suggestions.

Really, I have things. I'll study for the board exam a little. I have been looking forward to some morning study time since I tend to fall asleep over a book in the evenings after about 30 minutes.

I have an eye doctor appointment. Got to catch up on some stuff like that. Got friends coming this weekend. Take CPR recertification next week. Got a lot of stuff like that to catch up on. Need to get the yard mowed this week. The pay checks start coming I need to put tires on my car, who would have thunk that.

This blog has reached the milestone of 515 posts today. I guess that's a lot, but somehow it seems there should be more. I have a blog goal for the summer and that is to work on the tags. The way they work if you have not clicked on the tags at the end of each posts is that you will be able o access each post that contains that word. This really has been my idea along for long time readers to have catch phrases that they would recognize from time to time. This project may take a while but hopefully in the near when you click on say, big screen or swimming in my belly ( I have been prompted that it is actually swimming in our bellies, I'll have to research which it is) each post where that occurs will be displayed.

This may take awhile. It's going to be strange looking over old blog posts. You know they say that sometimes when Bob Dylan walks into some place and hears himself on the muzak he will say, "who is that singing?" He does not always recognize himself, he has had so many songs, but he knows it's something he likes. May be I will recognize what I wrote and still like it, or at least know what I felt when I did write it.

Whoops here I am all crying and bawling again. Kind of like the school thing ending is a chapter of life closing and now we start chronicling something new. I get sad so easy. I am so going emo.

And everybody that buys that just won a big screen.

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"...I know I've seen that face before," Big Jim was thinking to himself "Maybe down in Mexico or a picture up on somebody's shelf..."Bob Dylan from "Lilly Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts
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