Monday, August 01, 2022

When the First World Gets Too Much Take a Nap...

They say that in the USA alone over the past few years there has been over a million people die from Covid. You and I both know some of them. May the Eternal Light shine on them. I have Covid right now and thanks to science, doctors, nurses, vaccines, medicines, the government and many others it's pretty mild. A first world problem and inconvenience that mostly makes me want to take a nap. I like to take a nap. 

Given a bad case of the FOMO I'll skip that nap but I guess years of late nights playing music, shift work at the mill and early morning rises to drive all over East Texas to treat rural nursing home patients has left me the ability to sleep pretty much when or where I want to. Probably one thing you should know is that if I'm sleeping and you are not you might not because I snore loudly.

 I don't recall what the event was but 40 years or so ago I went somewhere with a group of folks, some married to each other, some brothers and sisters, some unattached and one girl's mom. Now that I think back that mom was probably 20 years younger than I am now. We gathered around a campfire, there was some beer drinking and at the end of the evening there was something like an old military barracks or summer camp bunk house with the kind of beds you might expect in a facility like that and we all claimed one and went to sleep and I slept well. 

Next morning several people mentioned how loud I snored. Maybe those unattached women were kind of sizing me up to decide if I was a keeper or not. I guess I got thrown back maybe because of the snoring but the mom did tell them, "ladies, at least you will know he's in the house at night." Sounds like the voice of experience. 

When me and Cathy were first married we slept intertwined and very close. We were young, in love, skinny and once when an overnight guest peeked in our room to see if we were up he thought one of us was out and about because the huddle under the covers seemed so small as to be one person. Now we look like two big skint mules each on our side of the bed. If you don't know how big a skint mule is you have never skint one. 

We are still in love, skinny enough but Cathy does not want that snoring in the ear anymore. You know how it is. After time everyone needs all the sleep you can get because of the job, the kids, the money and so on so nobody wants to be wakened to start worrying about all that stuff and a poor night of sleep just means another nap.

And nap I will. If the grandkids nap. I nap. On Sunday afternoon I might nap. Basically if I have nothing to do I will nap and with this mild case of covid I feel a bit achy, have decreased activity tolerance and a nap is about the best remedy available. For my physical therapy peeps in case you are worried about the old man staying in bed too much and blood clots and stuff like that I am doing my ankle pumps so when recovered I'll be in fine shape.  

So I'm back here in the back bedroom quarantine suite. It was effective a few months ago when Cathy staked it out and I never got Covid from her. It's quiet, cool and has a bathroom. I can sprawl out taking up all the room in the bed like she says I do anyway and if I nap for two hours then sit on the side of the bed for 5 minutes and then nap two more hours no one is the wiser and it does feel good at this point though I think I'm in for a boring week. 

I doubt anyone can hear me snoring but I'm not sure about that. 

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