Wednesday, July 03, 2024


I try to be a good hippie. I got my hair out all long and I don't shave my legs or under my arms. Wait a minute, that's her that don't do those last two things but I do drive a hybrid and argue with strangers online about wind power and the advantages of electric cars. That's why I feel so embarrassed when about once a year I load up the trailer with the metal items that have somehow turned to junk in my possession and take it to the metal recycle place.   

Does your stuff turn to junk? My metal bodied resonator guitar is about 27 years old and is fairing pretty well as are the tubas, the baritone, the trombone and the alto horn I own so maybe it's not me.  I just wish BBQ grills didn't burn out, lawn chairs were more durable for big ol boys to sit in and those pesky storms that are bound to be caused by global warming didn't blow through my campouts and twist my sunshade pop ups into avant guard art.

It's not just these non durable goods that I hauled off but I added in various metal poles from who knows what and parts to things that I used to could fix stuff with. I decided these spare parts were useless because the world has changed so much that you don't really fix things anymore and I guess that brings us to a full circle to why I have a trailer load of junk. 

The recycle place is only a few miles away and while I have cashed in for more it's a commodity and the price is up and down and right now stands at 7 cents a pound. I backed into a valley with walls of metal almost as tall as the grabber they guys deftly used to unload me with my junk sorted onto the mountains by a system I could not decipher. They were very nice about it and seemed genuinely glad I brought my stuff to them.     

One thing on my pile of cull was an old fish cleaning table. I searched online and found a local big box with fish tables on clearance. It was almost exactly the same price as I was paid for the load of scrap. 

I will make a trip sometime soon to the city dump with non recyclable trash but I figured this was enough embarrassing hippie-ing for one day and I relaxed with some tree hugging. 


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