How My Parents Ruined Thanksgiving or Milo's First Haircut...

Labels: Grand kids
Labels: Grand kids
Labels: Grand kids, ordinary dude, retirement
Another event that's been on my radar for a couple of years and I was glad when the stars lined up and we made it to the Gumbo and Zydeco Cook Off in Lufkin Tx sponsored by the Angelina County Citizens Chamber and The Pineywoods Trail Ride Association. Prizes were awarded for the best gumbo and the best dancers. Supplying the music for the dancers was Leon Chavis and the Zydeco Flames.
Labels: Black History, festival, jazz fest, New Orleans
Labels: 5 gallons of stink bait, camping, catfish, lake, meat, New Orleans, swimming in my belly
Labels: big screen, catfish
It was interesting to note that news sources were reporting Elon Musk, a guy that makes money in ways you don't even know about as well as pocketing billions of your tax dollars from selling technology and space travel to the U.S. government said if appointed to oversee said government efficiently proposed that we all work harder and "everyone's going to have to take a haircut."
I'm not getting a haircut. I have a doc appointment Monday. He always tells me if he didn't have to work a day job he would grow his hair out like mine. This is just a small sample of what the population thinks but I bet there's lots of people out there that don't want to get a haircut or if they do they want a weird one.
Also I'm retired. I got my name painted on my shirt. I ain't no ordinary dude I don't have to work.
For the past year I have been volunteering with the local Conference of St. Vincent de Paul. Our efforts in assisting Neighbors in Need is funded by the generous donations of parishioners of St. Patrick's Catholic Church. The Neighbors I meet are mostly the working poor. They have had a situation such as an injury or medical issue that caused a missed paycheck, an unexpectedly big utility bill, a car repair, the expenses of elder care, sick children or some other expense that wrecked an already tight budget. We help them with those things and provide information or other resources that might be available.
Over the past couple of weeks, you visit in pairs, with Cathy I probably made a dozen home visits, which are the hallmark of SVdP and in combination with other Vincentians she made 15-25 visits. I don't know the numbers for the rest of our group which is made up of some very dedicated people. A home visit is a way to meet people where they are and see them in their situation instead of in a government agency office.
I don't think any of these people read what Musk said in the NYT. If you told them they were going to have to work harder they would say, "Harder than what?"
So next time you are in the airport tell the Airline Agent to quit looking at the hair, get me in the air. They will surely work harder at doing that.
Labels: ordinary dude, retirement, St. Patrick, subversive