Friday, February 14, 2025

Gabby Moreno at the Pines Theater...

 Gabby Moreno, who won a Grammy just a few days ago for her album "X Mi" appeared at the Pines Theater in Lufkin Tx last night. It was a very nice show and Gabby seemed a bit shy talking to the crowd but she built intensity with her songs through the evening and when called back for an encore played three more tunes.

I first got on to Gabby a Guatemalan immigrant, a few years ago when she released an album of bilingual Christmas songs. It was during the time Cathy and I were playing in a bilingual choir at church and there were songs we played included and was very much in our style something that validates what we were doing and encourages us to continue our vision.  

She played no Christmas songs this night but songs touched on many emotions and in a climate when immigrants are demonized (maybe that's why she was shy in East Texas) she spoke up for her belief in what makes America great performing her song The Immigrants.  In case you are getting a narrow view of the situation I'll post a clip of the song and (you have to read, sorry you voted to eliminate the department of education) The Pope's letter this week on migration

Gabby performed with herself on guitar and bass and drums. Now a native of L.A. the Fender Jaguar guitar and Fender amp gave a reverb and vibrato laden surfy desert sound that blended with the English and Spanish lyrics and her solid rhythm playing and occasional tasty leads. There were many of my church friends present and I got a big kick when Augustin, a musician I have collaborated with for 30 years said, "she plays that Carl Wallace guitar" and indicated all over the neck. 

I wouldn't go so far to say that myself but it was a great show, the kind we need more of in Lufkin. I know country music probably pays the bills down at the Pines but a growing diverse city needs music of the same.    

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