Friday, November 11, 2005

Bicycle motor sounds...

Seems being so busy with school I have not had too much time to enjoy the fall. Yeah I watch the trees change color as I spend 3 hours a day in a car between here and Kilgore but I need to get out in the woods. One day I was close to the woods as we visited a nursing home in Kilgore. It was situated in a nice quiet sheltered wooded place. It was raining and the damp shadows looked so inviting. I wanted to squat on my haunches under a low hanging bush and wait for the rain to stop while looking at the kaleidoscope of leaf colors on the ground.

I would rather look at the leaves on the ground, fallen in random patterns than look out across some scenic divide at the fall colors still adorning the trees themselves. Something to do with the way we will all end up I guess, ashes to ashes, scattered to the universe. Take time to not think of theses deaths, but the way the colors intermingled, the reds and purples of the sweetgum, the brown oaks, a few rusty pine needles and the intrusive yellow of the piss ellum.

It was tonight, as I tried to rev my brain for some studying that the fall and boyhood memories collided. In the dark I rode my bike under and around the big oak in the drive way. A leaf lodged in the spokes of the wheel making a motor boating sound that would make a small boy smile. Well a small boy in the 1960s. I don't know if today small boys ever stick an old baseball card in their bicycle spokes, held by a clothes pin (what's that?) to make a motor noise or not. I don't think I taught my kids this and I remember doing it, but don't have a memory of who taught me to do it. I probably worn out many a collectible card doing this when I was a kid, if I had saved them I might not be working so hard now.

So anyway just a wreck in the old mind tonight, things hitting together, throwing off sparks, trying to start a fire.


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