Thursday, June 15, 2006


Here is a picture from the Lufkin High School Band Banquet. Me and Mary. I need to get Mary to lighten up that black hair, makes my grey stand out too much. Durn I look old.

The banquet had a Mardi Gras Theme. That is why I have on the beads. I don't think those beads have ever been in New Orleans. I would bet came straight from China.

Here is some real Mardi Gras beads. I picked these up in the streets of New Orleans. Some of them I might have showed for. Getting beads can be hard work, waving at floats hollaring hoarsely at masked men "throw me something mister." It's crowded close quarters work and yessir, I kneed drunken college boys in the groin, pushed little kids down, fished in gutters where pools of urine accumulated and slipped down in feces just to beat the crowds to these plastic trinkets that mean absolutely nothing.

I would do it all again in a minute. In fact, after about 12 days in a row in the clinic and at the hospital I might have my own parade this weekend.


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