Little This Little That...
Me and Juan walked up the woods over at Big Slough two mornings in a row. Ducks flew pretty good this morning and I should have potted a couple on the water, but they went around one side of the tree and I went around the other. I think Juan passed on some that would have landed in fast current and been swept away before he could have retrieved them.
I was off due to a swap with a co worker. Things have been slow at work the past week and I guuess that's a good thing. Means not too many people sick.
Numero Dos....Dos for short of course....This would be my suggestion for the new dog's llamo.
Much love,
She was almost Numero Uno after the neighbors knocked on the door at 2am and presented me with a barking El Guapo who had woke at least two nearby households up with his persistant pursuit of a possum.
Post his picture on a web page and all that fame goes to his head.
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