Catfish Video...
People ask me all the time, what was it you did when the plane was going down, why don't you get punched in the face more often, what kind of catfish bait do you use, what Bob Wills song were you listening to when you got that speeding ticket?
Here is an attempt clear some of that up. Posted on a youtube is a video we made the other day titled the "The Big Hook Set." Stars Cathy, with music by Othar Turner from the cd, "Everybody Hollaring Goat." Here's the link:
The music is fife and drum music, a very old style going way way back in Mississippi.
Here is a picture of Othar Turner's great grand daughter I made at the New Orleans Jazz Fest in 2007. She was on stage learning her craft. Othar was there, not to sure why I don't have a picture of him, but he was pretty old, in his 90s and passed away not too long after. He was basically letting the young ones carry it for him like he knew they would soon have to do when he was gone.
This music goes real well with cat fishing.
Here is an attempt clear some of that up. Posted on a youtube is a video we made the other day titled the "The Big Hook Set." Stars Cathy, with music by Othar Turner from the cd, "Everybody Hollaring Goat." Here's the link:
The music is fife and drum music, a very old style going way way back in Mississippi.
This music goes real well with cat fishing.
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