Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What's This...

Kind of looks like a flying saucer landed in the next door cow pasture. I am going to check it out. Be back in a minute...
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Monday, April 26, 2010

Gig Rule Violated or Not...

Thanks to a photo from Pop Fest by Cathy's cousin David I am caught violating a gig rule. Which one is it? Never turn your back on the drummer or never look at the drummer?

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Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Bite is On...

More catfish mayhem on Lake Sam Rayburn yesterday. Me and Cathy, joined by co-worker Myron and Will, the husband of co-worker Stephenie we landed 62 catfish on an afternoon after work trip. All on punch bait and slip corks, 4' deep. Here's Myron with a catch.

Cathy and Will score a double.

The famous tub shot. We cooked up a big bunch, now swimming in our bellies. We bagged a 7lb stash for the freezer (after a 30lb fish fry that cleaned out the freezer last weekend we have replaced 17lbs of fillets this week) and Will and Myron kept several pounds each.

It was a long day, work, fishing, cleaning, cooking, I was disposing of fish guts after midnight to wind down the day.

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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Even More Baby Shower Pictures...

Good week for photos on the old blog, lots of people paid up their $39,000 which is what it cost to get a picture on here and really helps out with our online operating cost. In this one folks make their way through the buffet line.

Party hats are always welcome around here.
Look out, that little girl bites.
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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Cooney Fests Old and New...

The recent Cooney/Pop fest brought out an old picture of a previous reunion from 1983. Sent by cousin Doug, that's him in the middle, tie and sweater, I am assuming he is the maker. Cathy, if you can pick her out holds baby Rose. Neither me, Katie, Morgan or Mary have arrived on the scene yet. Cousin David, the maker of the next picture from last month's gathering kneels bottom right corner. Several of the kids in the front row are the parents of the kids in the front row of the next picture.

Cousin David set this up, camera on a tripod, he scrambled back to kneel in his bottom right self appointed place. Katie and Morgan are still missing, kept from this photo by other circumstances. Me, Rose, Mary and Cathy are definitely in the scene.

I really don't know if I can name all the people in either picture, help me out.

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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

More Baby Shower Pictures...

Well, I couldn't let them dance on the new floors could I? Specially with those boots on. Left to right, Mary, Katie's boyfriend visiting from Chicago, Peter and Katie shake 'em on down before the party gets rolling last Saturday.

What are they saying about folks with a new floor having an outside party?

This dance is the latest craze. It's known as the "Booty Call Out."

Juan reads the cleaning tag on shower gifts and wonders how bad the light colors will show poop.

More martial teamwork. Practice while you can guys.

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Monday, April 19, 2010

Monday Morning Catfish...

A quick fishing trip this morning, Cathy had to take a nap to be ready for the night shift tonight so we fished from about 8:30-11:00. Started at the spot I caught them last week, no go, wasted 30 minutes, wind blowing down the bank instead of in to it as the other day. Moved out the the north east and anchored off a little sand hump 4' deep with 7' deep grassy flats surrounding. They were there. Total was 30 cats in the time it takes to listen (The Dead Weather and North Mississippi Allstars in case you need to know, this makes more of a difference than you think) to two cds. I take big fish with a 6lb 4oz blue cat.

Cathy gets the hook out. Boated some good honest 2lb channel cats, all on Big Marv's punch bait. This is only the third trip with this new bait, two have had very good results. I like it, but it may get a little thin with hotter weather.

The key once again was the wind, got to fish it correctly.

A fish fry shot from this past weekend. We cleaned the freezer out, cooking 30lbs of fillets. All were eaten, I had the last several fillets for lunch after I cleaned today's catch. We are stocking the freezer now for Morgan's graduation fry in August.

With the baby shower, the music playing and the fishing that went on around here the past few days I don't think we could have had a better weekend.

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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Baby Shower/Fish Fry...

Had Rose and Juan's Baby shower today. Here's some photos of Rose and Juan blowing up balloon decorations. Good team building skills soon to come in handy.

Thanks to Miguel's mom, Alejandra for a great cake.

The crowd gathers with the fish fryer in the foreground. More pictures later.

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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

New Floor...

Got a new look going on, new laminate wood floors. Professionally installed, meaning by some one other than me, it's the first of several new projects around the house. Still lacks a few finishing touches should be totally done tomorrow. I'll get a picture of Cathy rolling around necked on it.

Take a good look, the last of the sea sick green linoleum, a pattern that crawled when you looked at it too long is gone. This design was through out the house in most rooms when I bought it. Areas have been redone through out the years with other coverings and this last remaining piece in the hallway is gone forever.
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Sunday, April 11, 2010

More Spring Blooms....

Azaleas at my Mom's house start to bloom. That's not my Mom's truck in the back ground.

Got some projects going on that might require a computer shut down for a couple of days. See you on the other side.
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Thursday, April 08, 2010

Spring Photos...

We even let Mary get in the photo on Easter Sunday.

Flower photos that Cathy made at the Evansville zoo. Cathy has planted the deck flowers for the year, will get those up as they make a good show.

Hey little girl, don't eat those! Get off my lawn!

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Monday, April 05, 2010

So is it Ethical...

...if your wife, who is your favorite fishing partner, is feeling a little under the weather, and wanted to go fishing but just did not feel like it, would it be ok to go ahead and catch her limit in addition to yours?

No, I did not do that but did catch my limit today, fishing about 12pm-2pm. It was not in the usual place, but another place where we have floated the noodle lines in the past. In fact this place is somewhat known for it's bass fishing. That shore line behind me probably saw several hundred rattle traps and spinner baits this past weekend.

These photos all made with a little portable tri-pod. I'm a "friend" of Cajun Line on facebook. It's a bright red line and I was trying to get a good shot of it on my reel to submit to their site. I have been using this line for several years now. Also today used a new punch bait, "Big Marv's."

Cooked a couple for a catfish poor boy (swimming in my belly, if I catch what Cathy has might be the last meal for a while) and 10lbs of fillets went to the freezer.

Oh yeah, I left them biting.

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Sunday, April 04, 2010

Happy Easter...

Here is our 2010 Easter picture. Easter weekend has been a good one, got some yard work done, played music for Easter Vigil Mass, Morgan and Ali have been in for a visit and have fishing scheduled tomorrow.
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Thursday, April 01, 2010

Had Me there For a Minute...

Pop says April Fools.
"...I know I've seen that face before," Big Jim was thinking to himself "Maybe down in Mexico or a picture up on somebody's shelf..."Bob Dylan from "Lilly Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts
  • you thought I was after your job
  • Gogol Bordello
  • Cathy's favorite band. They named this blog.
  • Wallace Fun Photos
  • My online photos.
  • Satch
  • WWOZ New Orleans Jazz Fest Radio
  • The Older You Will Get Video Channel
  • I Make all these myself.
  • Stone Wall Studio
  • First Place I Was Ever Mentioned on The Internet
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  • St. Patrick Catholic Church Lufkin, Tx
  • I am webmaster of the official church web site

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