Thursday, May 19, 2011

Used Records...

Visited a used record store in Austin this weekend and found this deal. Sealed sight unseen box of used records $5, miscellaneous genres. It gave me a idea for a game.

Several can play. You sit down around the turntable. First player selects a record, puts in on and all listen from beginning to end, proceeding in turns. First one that can't stand it anymore loses or you could play until only one player is left, winner takes a pot or something.

Actually out of 100 records that run the gamut from children's records to opera there are some fends. There are several Glen Campbells, George Jones, a few compilations of old country and Frank Sinatra/Dean Martin Rat Pack stuff and various big band recordings of pop hits/movie sound tracks and one old Roy Smeck.

Actually I just bought the budget box, a box labeled "rock" was $15 while a box labeled "jazz" was $20.


Anonymous Dan Dan said...

Too good to pass up! Was that at Waterloo? I'd have sprung for the "rock" box.

9:41 PM  
Anonymous Carl said...

Can't remember the name of the place, off south congress in an ally. Used records only, reminded me of a 70s dorm room.

6:31 AM  

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