Thursday, December 22, 2011

It's Time for the Christmas Card Count...

Set against the photos I made of Holy Name Cathedral where we attended Mass while in Chicago it's time for me to make the annual Secular vs. Religious Christmas card count. Looks like Secular wins again this year with the score 21 to 12. I suppose the race is not yet over with at least one mail day left before we can declare the polls closed. I suggest if you intend to try to throw this contest one way or the other it would be best to use the Huntington, Tx post office since they seem to be quite capable of delivering an over night letter to Texas cities within a three hour drive.

This count does include a secular type Christmas card from the President and family. It's a pretty neutral type card, no good you know with an election year coming to stir up trouble, it has his dog on the front. I did not consider that  too unusual since I received at least four other cards with a collage layout of family members that also included their dogs. With election filing deadlines still approaching I don't know if this is some kind of
political wave I am witnessing the crest of with announcements of the offices sought soon expected.

So for the record and I did not have anything to do with the work involved. My wife did it. She sent out religious cards. I am glad she did.     Posted by Picasa


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