In an age of the keyboard warrior where people that barely got out if high school know more than anyone else in the world and reincarnated taverners and candy sellers hold influential offices with the intention of getting while the getting's good I took a field trip on my bicycle to the old Nerren Cemetery that is about a 30 minute ride from my house.
My Nerren ancestors are buried there I often make the ride. When I'm on the way I'll stop and make the loop around the closer Rocky Springs where I also have ancestors laid to rest. It's been a few months since I walked that larger burying ground but I always walk the 15 or 20 marked graves at the Nerren Cemetery. There's a few unknown graves marked head and foot by petrified wood and I like to think one of these might be my Great Great great grandfather John Nerren but I might not ever know.
Usually on these walks something reveals itself to me, a thought, an inspiration and today with public speculation and the grabbing of headlines by the taveners and candy sellers it occurred to me that here is the evidence that science is real and vaccines work.
On July 16th, Albert Nerren, son of Alexander and Sara died. He passed on the same day he was born. In 2025 Texas has ranked 21st in the nation in infant mortality or 560 out of 100,000 births. I don't know what it was in 1923 but I think if you are born you should have a chance at health, clean water, education, good food, peace and a stable climate. Science works remember so these things should be achievable. Of course good schools are pretty boring if compared to space travel to an uninhabitable planet so let's just move on.
To put this in my historical record, my parents were born in 1293 and 1924 and if Albert had lived I would have gone to school with his children.
It's pretty peaceful in the old cemetery.
Wait a minute July 1923 just got worse. Alexander and Sara lost another child, Marchie who was 5 years old 7 days later. One day I might stumble on the causes of death, there's infomation out there and probably there is a living person quite possibility living within a few miles of me that knows.
I've had a few bad years before, maybe the job was not going well or a couple of older relatives or friends passed on to their eternal reward but I've never lost two children in the same week.

Here's the grave of Alexander 1851-1947 and Sara 1837-1904. If I think about that span of history I bet these people saw and knew some stuff.
The best I can guess is that a Nerren married a Richardson which is why there are several from this family included in this cemetery. James David, born May 24th, 1942 and died the same day. If Hames had lived I would have probably had him for a rehab patient. I've met lots of cousins this way.
Here's a photo I found on the internet. It's Alexander with what I imagine to be surviving children. I'd also guess late 1940s after the war. It would not be long before he was gone.
I hope all this gives you something to ponder and I always recall Faulkner's quote:
"The past is never dead. It's not even past."
Labels: family, subversive