Saturday, December 07, 2024

When the Illuminati Calls...

It's been a busy week around here with Cathy's shoulder surgery, then visits from home health therapists, her sister Margaret, brother John and Mary, brother Matt and the usual parade of our family including grandkids to eat up the spaghetti Pam made and the chicken chili I made. Also I managed to squeeze in a Christmas concert with The Angelina Civic Band. 

The concert went well with the theme "Yes Angelina, There is a Santa Claus." Probably the best attendance we have had. We perform in Temple Theater and the large expanses of seating can look barren but that's the only stage that will hold the growing band size. The Civic band combines with the college band and last year we only had 2 music majors playing. This year there were 12. 

I snapped this selfie of the tuba section and we got some international attention when the Illuminati  noticed us and commented on the photo. Handsome guys in concert black holding shiny gold and silver instruments fooled someone's AI algorithm into thinking we were filthy rich and this was actual precious metals we possessed instead of my rejected jr high horn and confusingly decided we were way above percentage wise on our wealth out of the other 8 billion people in the world.         

Never to not take a shot I immediately asked for more information though I do know that any club that might have me for a member might be suspect. 

Civic Band resumes January 14th. The theme for the spring concert is "Folk Fantasy and Fairytales" or something very similar because really titles do not matter all that much to tuba players. If you can put together a horn, you belong. See ya there Ms. Rothschild!   


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