Thursday, May 11, 2006

Got the grades...

All Bs in therapt classes and an A in Spanish. A "B"in both Functional Anatomy and assessments that was an 89 average. That hurts, makes me think of all the dumb mistakes I made on labs through out the year that cost a point here, a point there. Final Average in Therx was 84, which is up from an 80 three weeks ago.

Finals went pretty well except for the Therx part of the lab, I bombed that, but I made an A on the lecture part of that final, so sitting in the middle of the B range I did not hurt myself. I also made and A on the assessments lecture and Bs on the other labs and a B on Functional Anatomy lecture.

Got all that, does it make sense?

Any way time to relax. Got some chores, mow, wash car, get a hair cut, buy trousers, change oil and so on that has gone neglected.

Here is Mary with an award she got for maintaining an A average all year. This is with a heavy duty English class on her schedule. The two camera hounds flanking her are my mom and my wife.

Morgan also called me as I got in the car yesterday after lab and announced he made an A instead of the B he was expecting in Physics at SFA. It was touching, two guys sharing their grades like that. I cried.


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