Saturday, May 13, 2006

Time on my hands...

A few days off from school and with Mary getting out of school soon we students have been wondering if we could come up with some sort of summer project.

We have good tap water out here. Lot of complaints about water taste these days what with bottled water such an industry, but out little water service does great. They are doing so good they recently put up a real water tower of their own, just like in the big towns. It is about 2.5 miles from the house as the crow flies and has become an item of interest to me and Mary.

At first we thought we might shoot at it in summer evenings. You know, sit on the shady roof of the house, violent rock music blaring from the big speakers, cooled by the late evening breezes, rifles safely carried up unloaded and casually take long distance shots. Turns out there is too much math involved, windage, elevation, bullet weights and their tendencies on trajection. We would need Morgan to help. There are also a few houses that would be below the bullet path and would not be fair to them, I mean we would be the ones having the fun.

So we settled on something else. As you can see we are not scared of high places. In honor of my in laws coming in a few days, we painted a welcoming sign. We have great plans to make this our personal billboard. Keep an eye out here for our summer fun.

As long as we don't get caught.


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