Here's a First...
Wait a minute, shouldn't that deer be on the other side of the fence? 
Hey, off my lawn, stay away from the tomato cages!
No animals in that barn, not equipped.

Hey guys, I'm out here, let me back in.
Got home from work the other day to find Cathy stalking a deer in the yard camera in hand. She sure was acting strange, may be slipped out of the game fence and now has a fawn on the other side somewhere.
I have seen her once since these pictures were taken. Standing in the drive one evening I hear the sound of hooves pounding down the black top. There went the deer with Buford and Brenda's border collie/cow dog mixes in chase. Trailing this action at a safe distance was El Guapo.
I called to El Guapo, "Come here, quit chasing the deer." He obediently came to my side. I could see from the look on his face he was readying the story he would tell his dog buddies. "The man called me. I had to come, I mean he feeds me, built the dog house, scrubs my belly till it's plumb pink. I owe him everything."
That look on his face was relief. Relief from the tired thirsty work of deer chasing on a hot summer afternoon.
Labels: Buford and Brenda, El Guapo
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