Thursday, October 16, 2008


So my neighbor was surprised. You think you know a guy after living next door to him but then he goes and does something like put an Obama sign in his yard.

He asked me, "you really voting for Obama?"

I said, "Yes."

He said, "I can't. I just don't think this country is ready to have a Muslim as President."

I said, " I don't think he's a Muslim."

He said,"I don't believe that."

If you watched any of the debates you know that some of the charges leveled back and forth were simply best deflected by much better debaters (can I say that word here?) than me. In this case I just mumbled something about how I thought my candidates had a better social justice agenda that seems like it might come closer to ending problems in society with health care, addressing root causes for the need for a law that legalizes abortion, as well as evening out the tax system in favor for the little guy. I could go on, but as I admit, I mumble. I'm just an old peace queer, what do I know.

My neighbor allowed how he was afraid he would be taxed $50,000 if the Democrats got in office. Not a problem for those making less than that these days.
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Blogger Thereasa said...

an old peace queer? LOL

I like your "Lables" list! LOL

I believe in the freedom to vote who we believe to be the best for the job! So you go, Carl! And for sure you don't need to explain anything to anybody ... because I for one believe you know a lot! (even for an old peace queer!) LOL

10:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a pretty good answer for those who've heard Obama is a Muslim (not that there's anything wrong with that). Of course there is no convincing those who choose to believe their 'friends' over professional journalists or even their candidate of choice, as the linked article shows!

10:10 PM  

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