Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Loves It!...

We caught some pretty good music in Chicago on our visit. Our intentions were to visit Rosa's. It's a famous blues lounge that advertises on the NPR show Blues before sunrise and is in walking distance of Katie and Peter's apartment. We never quite made it there.  Instead, among other musics we caught some friends of Katie's, Jenny and Vaughn who call themselves Loves It! and are based out of Austin as they played last Saturday at Uncommon Grounds. 

The show was great. Good singing and playing on guitars, mandolin and banjo. I guess this falls under the folk/roots/Americana/country banner. I detect all kinds of influences all mixed up in tragic love lost country songs, painful sad English folk a capella tunes with high lonesome harmonies and a few good rave ups thrown in for good measure. It's that old weird America music that can't be returned by the vote to your favorite political party. It's that something that will only be carried on by folks who beat the paint off the faces of wooden instruments all day every day and on into the good night. 

As a bonus to the show we got to ride the old beat up Toyoda camper thing Jenny, Vaughn and dog Boxy travel from show to show in back to the Tulloch's apartment. Jenny slept on the floor. Vaughn and Boxy slept in the camper on the street with the instruments. I would have done likewise. In the morning I awoke and they were gone to play a show in Madison Wisconsin.  

I recommended our local Standpipe Coffee House to Loves It! as a possible gig. I'll also recommend Loves It! to the Standpipe. I recommend them to you.   Posted by Picasa



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