Cement, Clay and Glass...
I think that was a song by the old psychedelic country rock band The New Riders of the Purple Sage but please don't ask how I know these things any more. It's an old song and I think they were singing about skyscrapers all of which pictured here are much older than the song. I made these photos on a recent trip to Chicago. Yeah I looked like a total tourist with upturned camera and aching cervical crimped vestibular artery self inducted dizziness posture. A total square. So unhip to be almost dead but maybe not as uncool as I looked walking for exercise in the mall last night. It was cool in the mall but not in a new black kind of way.
So what were the Riders singing about? Are these things really made of cement, clay and glass. What am I writing about? Some times I get reader feed back that indicates a different message than what I had on my mind. May be I should run for office. A chicken in every pot seems to be popular if that's what it means to you. 

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