Some More of Dad's WW2 Photos...

In honor of Veteran's day I publish some more of my Dad's WW2 photos. As you may have read we really have little to go on about his military service. I know he had a combat infantry badge but ended his service before discharge in the 398th MP Battalion. In this photo that's my Dad on the right.
This looks to be his handwriting on the back of the photo.
Some of the mementos in his collection are post cards of famous places in France. Interesting to a vintage postcard collector but I prefer these that seem to be his own personal photos. This is one of the Arch de Triomphe. The Arc is where France's unknown soldier lies. Dating from the 1830s various Armies including the\ German's first time in 1871 and the Allies in 1944 and 45 have had their victory parades through the Arc. After the interment of the unknown all parades split and flow around the Arc out of respect for the dead.
I cropped the photo to show the unknown couple a little closer. Apparently U.S. personal in uniform on a cold winter day they stroll through ages of history.

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