Some of Dad's Old Photos...

I have been working on a military history of my Dad's WW2 service. There's not much to go on but there is some interesting stuff.
Here's an old photo. This are members of Company A 398th MP battalion. I don't think my dad ever crossed into Germany so it's pretty safe to assume this is France. That's my Dad standing by the driver's side of the jeep. Next is a scan of his handwriting on the back of the photo.
If you can't make it out it says, "Reading from right to left me, Steve Murmand, Jack Miller, Frank, Edsel Whitson, and Helsinger standing up." Poor old Helsinger got his head cut in the photo. All the guys in the photo look pretty cold and are all bundled up.
Next photo must be after the war. Looks like the guy to the waitresses left is Frank. The guy to her right is my dad. Can't really make a positive ID on the other guys. I bet that Schlitz beer on the table tasted good after a gritty winter in post war Europe.
As I say I don't have much to go on about my dad's service. I do know there was a mention that on his return there was a bit of drinking, a bit of fighting that went on. Guys still do that after they get home from the war. Since these past four years have seen no new wars and have been marked by the return home of may troops who served in harm's way let us pray the next four years are peaceful ones.

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