Might Get Noiser Around Here...
I suspect we will get by just fine. Nothing seems like it will be in view of the back deck so like Bob Dylan said in the long narrative song Lily Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts, "...the drilling in the wall kept up and no one seemed to mind..." I hope they don't mind seeing an old guy like me go to the mail box in his boxers.
I talked to a couple of old boys working on this crew and they said might be a while before anything happens. I would imagine the price of oil will have to get right as I expect it has been known there was oil in these parts for some time. They go get it when it's worth it to them. By "them" I don't mean these fellers in the crew, or guys like my old neighbor who is currently working out of state on the best job he ever had being paid $16 an hour to drive a truck around to the wells.
The them who I talk about is the person who owns the land in this picture. He already has a bunch of money. I bet this well ensures that his great grand children and maybe great great won't have to work too hard. As they say the rich get richer. When the price gets right and they go get the oil it will mean a little more at the pump for me. That will be ok and the closeness of this rig won't bother as long as it means a little more for the crew members and a little higher salary for my neighbor so his kids grow up educated about how dumb it is to depend so much on oil.

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