Saturday, December 22, 2012

More Duck Hunting...

Yup, that's me. I'm holding some wood ducks my Dad killed. I originally guessed this picture to be made in 1959 from clues in the chronological order of my Mother's photo album. That would make me two or almost 3 years old. That's a pretty big two year old but then I am still pretty big for my age these days. 

I still like duck hunting and I still wear that style of boot. 

Looks like my Dad had a couple of ducks that day.  That's a toy gun in the photo. It was a popular toy at that time and not such a good idea these days. I never bought my kids toy guns but I did hunt with all of them to varying extents as they liked it. 

After my Dad passed away I hunted with the shotgun he used to kill these ducks, a Model 12 Winchester, one of the finest duck guns ever made until last year. It became just too worn and loose in the action to be safely reliable so I have retired it. It is something I miss carrying that old gun to the woods. It meant more than any game I took. That shotgun held the memory of my Dad. 

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