This Guy Has My Tuba...
Second photo is cropped up a little closer to show Bernie, sitting with violin and to give you a better look at that big tall healthy man of a tuba player. Something about a guy like that I like. I want to be him when I grow up. I do note also that the clarinet player is something of a gear hound. He has lots of horns. I like gear but it's hard for a tuba player to be a gear To have TAS which stands for Tuba Acquisition Syndrome which is a disease usually cured by your wife.
Third photo I cropped up the banjo player for a better look. Kind of slight and sickly compared to the big old tuba guy, but cute and I bet the girls liked him. Needs to wash hands, looks like he's getting the head of that banjo dirty.
So my final impression of this photo is I bet all these guys crowded in room sometime in the 1920s or 30s would smell a lot like tobacco smoke and a little bit like some kind of booze, probably what ever kind was available. With a banjo and a tuba it would be noisy. I am just guessing about the booze and I know for sure about the noise as I have a horn just like that guys and also banjos but as to the tobacco this is what the web says about Bernie;
"He died from a Pulmonary embolism, brought on from his years of smoking his famed cigars, in October of 1943."

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