Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Time to Give Away a Big Screen...

Well if you are a pretty new blog reader you may not have got in on a big screen give away. It's kind of like those public radio or TV fundraisers. It's what keeps us on the air. We have not had to have one in a while since the last one raised $39,000.  I know that's a surprising figure to some but you know how expenses are. They go up just like the green fees on a golf course that Trump just bought. 

The donor of our latest big screen prize wishes to remain anonymous. That's what it seems to me because while on a bike ride this evening on a shady cool deserted East Texas dirt road I found it sitting there all alone, owner no where in sight. 

Now you must admit that's a pretty ugly appliance. In an age of flat screens it wore out a welcome long ago. I'd dump it also, just in the proper place which I note is at the City of Lufkin Recycle Center where there is a little tin garage for TVs, computers and other electronic gadgets that folks like this donor have grown weary of. 

In case you are wondering about the orientation of the photo I am sitting on my bike (of course, a helmet mom) and the TV is upside down in the ditch. Somehow as I stand here the whole of modern life parades past me in a mind movie newsreel upside down just like the TV and it all seems like it is a reflection of what things have come to be. Everybody's hair is messed up because they are upside down and I can see up all the women's dresses. It's some kind of holy allegory of life that a poet greater than me might grasp but all I can do is check my back pocket for a comb and avert my eyes from types of underwear I did not even know existed. 

So if you send me some money or better yet just give it to me when you see me and I'll enter you in this contest. If you want to check out the prize just drive past my road and take the second left. Be looking down and to the left. I left it there and you may wonder why I don't pick it up. That's not my role here is this newsreel. There is a Samaritan somewhere and he's gonna think something different about this big screen.  

Click the label links below and find out more about our history with the big screen.  .  

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