Wednesday, December 16, 2020


 I was scrolling through my newsfeed and I saw a headline about Covid 19 dreams. It had a sub headline that said "seven minute read." At this point in the year 2020 I aint spending seven more minutes reading anything about Covid. I'm washing my hands, wearing a mask, limiting my gatherings and just generally spending a lot of time in the back yard playing the tuba and the banjo. Of course my neighbors wish there were seven minutes in a day where I'm not in the back yard with instruments.

So without reading the article or looking at pictures which I know from long blog writing experience and reader feedback is all ya'll do anyway I deduce that people are having some weird dreams and experts think it's the Covid. In my own personal research, which I spend at least 6 to 8 hours a day on I have been having some doozies myself. I wish I had written them all down and in fact I have written in this space about dreams in the past but if I wrote more you would by now be scrolling past. 


I did think my latest was worth sharing. I dreamed I was skinning a bear. I have been known to hunt, shoot and eat small game but I would never shoot something like a bear and have a membership in a no kill bigfoot hunting facebook group. I don't want to have to skin a large game animal, certainly don't want to cook and eat a bigfoot or a bear and am in no way on the side of what ever bear hunting group that my be imagining that their rights are being denied. 

In the dream I had a very sharp knife and do in fact own a very sharp skinning knife that I have never skinned anything with. I ran the knife along the inside of the pelt, peeling it back to reveal the inside lining to be velvety black with no blood or gore. The outside fur was thick, black and I remember thinking how warm I was going to be wrapped in it. 

At this point the bear seemed to roll to the side on it's on to better facilitate the hide removal and while I was not startled by this it was unusual behavior for a carcass. I floated to awakeness to ponder what the meaning in this was and if there is any at all. 

I don't know if this actually falls under the category of a Covid dream. I suspect those dreams deal with issues of loneliness, isolation, depression and hopelessness, and other feelings I can't pretend to have an insight too. I can only hope that those dreaming those find the comfort of a warm bear skin to wrap themselves in as protection from these elements.      .     

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