Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Another White Bass Report...

Cathy used to tell me all the time how she was an old creek fisherwoman. Only thing she married a guy with a boat. She learned pretty quick how to fish from a boat. The past few years we have been making the trip up to River Ridge for some spring Sabine River sand bass fishing so she has had a bit of return to the roots.

If you do not know River Ridge it's a private property with some cabins and campsites to rent, a small boat launch, bank fishing and guide services available. It's never been crowded when I have been there but even though we have had pretty good luck a few times early season I don't think we have hit the main part of the run. People will come from everywhere for sand bass and it is often hit or miss depending on river flows with a bit rain likely to scatter fish way back up into the creeks. We like fishing from the sandbar at the boat launch because it's easy access and fishing. Here's our bank fishing wagon.   

River fishing can have a lot of hang ups and tossing the 1/16th and 1/8th ounce roadrunners the sandies like is a light tackle business. I remember a trip for a sand bass run on the Trinity way back in the late 70s. River access there usually involves climbing up and down steep, crumbling sandy banks. This particular year the river was low and we were casting white and yellow maribou jigs and we caught them well but due to the trees felled into the river by swift currents we lost a hatful of those jigs. I wear a big hat.     

Cathy usually catches the first fish and for some reason even though I have a nice heavy duty saltwater float stringer she always reaches for the one with the homemade pool noodle float.

 The sand bass run on the Trinity is reported to be on. For your info as to why I'm not fishing there is that due to mercury contamination the state advises three 8 ounce meals a month for adults, and one 8 ounce meal for women of childbearing age and children under 12. If you are eating Sabine sand bass it's 6.6 meals a month with no restriction mentioned for women and children. I like those odds.     

I talked to the guides before I left and they reported hit or miss, load the boat one day the next nothing. They expect action to pick up after Valentines day. Baring big rains we will try again after the big polar front. 


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