Thursday, March 04, 2021

First Lake Trip for Luca...

When our son, Morgan was just beginning to speak well and he would see a vehicle pulling a boat, you see a lot of those living near one of the best fishing lakes in the nation, he would blurt, "him go lake." As his vocabulary and sentence construction developed he changed that to, "he's got a boat." Yesterday Mary asked us to baby sit Luca, AKA Buttermilk Short Stack since she had worked nights and needed to sleep. I was hooking up the boat when she called. We just went on and hooked Luca up with his first trip to the lake.   

Luca is eight months old. We resorted to the old tried and true put them in the walker for a boat seat. Here's Morgan sitting in his walker in our old boat way back in the day. Goes to show how little my fishing technology has changed. 
 Luca was a little fussy which is understandable because what he could do was limited in the walker and his preferred method is crawling and trying to bear walk. We ended up holding him because even though it's carpet and pretty clean I did sit down in the bottom of the boat yesterday and got a loose treble hook hung in my ass.  We took turns holding and fishing.

Fish started a bit slow. Bluebird skies and pretty calm winds combined with 57 degrees water temps meant that the cats were not too active in the shallow water. Here you see Cathy and Luca with the spot we call the horseshoe in the background. Usually the cats are against the cypress bushes. The lake is below pool but rising and that combined with the sunny skies, fish don't have eyelids or sunglasses, kept them out of the area. 

As the sun went down though the cats began to cruise the creek edge behind the boat in 5-6 feet of water. Luca studies the first catch and begins to put many mysterious things he has seen us do together to understand our purpose in the universe. 

We caught these 7 channel cats and left them biting at about 5 o'clock. I suspect as the sun set there would have been more added to the tub but we got hungry and called Mary, Miguel and Ezra to come eat. Whole catfish, farm raised, are selling for $5.12 at HEB. I'd say at least $40 worth of fish right there. We fried them up and they swim in our bellies. Well they don't swim for Luca quite yet. He does not have the choppers to chew yet.  

The big grandkids, Coraline and Warren come for spring break this weekend. They will wield fishing poles and there won't be walkers. With their help we plan on putting the hurt on the cats. 


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