Wednesday, December 01, 2021

Making Memes...

Usually mass culture passes me. Take the eighties as an example. I was wearing pointy toe cowboy boots, a black t-shirt with a pack of Winston 100s rolled in the sleeve, had a new Fender P-bass and I was playing music with a guy who was trying to be Chuck Berry or Carl Perkins or Jerry Lee Lewis or maybe just his own self and I missed the big iconic drum sounds, digital guitar processing and scenic fern bars of the decade. The 1980s were not really kind to music or anyone else for that matter and I'm sure Chuck, Carl and Jerry Lee wondered what the heck was going on. 

I'm with it now though. I've learned to make a meme. First I had to learn how to say meme which at first look looks a whole lot like me me which with all the money, money, compliments and publicity this blog generates me is something that's on my mind all the time.  

Every now and then one of the kids takes a photo of yours truly. I make sure to produce them plenty of material and they make a meme out of it. They are pretty funny. Here's some of my work, if you can call it that because intellectual property seems a bit strong. 

I do own a cowbell. If called for I have played it at gigs occasionally. If I didn't play it and you hollered "more cowbell" I'll be fighting back from now on so don't do that. It's so 80s.   

I'll have to finishing writing this later when I stop laughing because I think this one is so funny and Cathy hates dogs. 

I love this guy and any meme made with his face. I did a sample study of what people I know might think of these memes and some one said sinister. I don't know. I feel joy and excitement but have not figured out all the backstory here. 

Gotta love a big backstory.

 There's an English electronic musician that calls himself Aphex Twin. He's a white guy, a big ginger hippie looking dude and this is a computer generation of his face. The album it's from is called Richard D. James which is his real name. I listened to some of the record and I thought at first some kid toy was hidden away under the furniture but music is a process and I have seen some stuff of his I liked.  Old Aphex was born in 1971 and probably started noticing stuff real good in, you guessed it, the 80s.   

What do they say, the best art is stolen? I copped this idea from one of my internet heroes, added a bit to it and I'll call it original. I had a friend once who practiced his guitar stank face in front of a mirror. It was in the 80s. He got to be a pretty good guitar player. His stank face stayed about the same. 

I missed that in the 80s. I'll work on it now.    


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"...I know I've seen that face before," Big Jim was thinking to himself "Maybe down in Mexico or a picture up on somebody's shelf..."Bob Dylan from "Lilly Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts
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