Saturday, May 28, 2022

Boat Traffic High Fish Bite Good Memorial Day on the Lake...

There's nothing like fishing under pressure. Ever called up a bunch of people and said "let's have a fish fry" before you headed out to the lake? That's what we did today. There was a short period when we thought about the G-Meat in the freezer and how we probably had enough to throw on the grill but when our normal hot spot turned out to be cool we scooted to the other side of the point and there they were. 
That short period of 30 minutes or so before we had a good bite (yeah we fish a lot and keep a steady hand on fish location) I had time to think about how I had pressure washed the boat the other day in anticipation of a big ski trip next weekend and how that might have jinxed us but then I said well except for a couple of swimming trips I don't think I have really had a good bath in a few days so that should be enough to offset the loss of dirty boat mojo. I guess it was because although the fish ran smaller than usually they were still caught about 3 to 4 feet deep using punch bait under slip corks. 

Final total was 28 and we fried them up nice and crisp for friends and family. The grandkids did not mention that the fish were smaller than usual. They said, "more ketchup please!" 

It was a Memorial Day weekend so there were more people than usual out and about and as we sat on our little windy point more boats than we normally see in this area passed us by at a high rate of speed. I would estimate many would have exceeded 40 mph. I have been fishing this spot since the early 1980s, maybe a little longer. The area closest in the photo is probably 6' with lots of ups and downs and includes a submerged old railroad embankment. When summer hits full force and the water drops there will be a few stumps to hit and sandbars to drag. 

When I see people posting on the internet how stumpy Rayburn is I'll wonder if I saw them today. 

By the way all those boats did not effect the bite.      


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