Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Back From Chicago...

Judging from blog history (if there is another history you know about mention it in the comments) we have spent a good portion of the first part of May in Chicago. Maybe it's because it's Cathy's birthday or Mother's Day but we again spent time this weekend on a visit to Katie, Peter, Wallace and Hamish.  

A tradition for a few years but waylaid like so many other things by Covid but now back at least for now is the Chicago crawfish boil. If you got the dinero which some people not on fixed income like us do there are Cajuns down in Louisiana that will overnight a bag of crawfish to you. They are good crawfish too. Big, fat, and 100% alive with juicy sweet meat. There are some northern states where the department of natural resources is starting to frown on the mail delivery of an invasive species but with the carbon footprint of overnight delivery handing over our heads and all those climate change deniers out there I might as well be a crawfish is bad for Illinois denier.      

With temps soaring and air-conditioners roaring in Texas it was a bit cool for the first couple of days we were in Chicago. Cathy managed to grab a slice of sunlight which felt good except for the fact it was exposed to the wind.   

The boiling pot. The good thing about crawfish in Chicago is that most people have never had them. I mean what did you think the first time someone said to you, "see all that stuff there in the head, suck it."  

So I get to eat all the crawfish I want at these affairs. Of course people get shown how to do it, often get good and drunk and like good and drunk people do they start eating stuff they might not if not good and drunk and when they go to the next crawfish boil they are ready for fun.  

Old Hambone was a bit in a momma phase so while he was a big flirt with these strange crawfish eating people that call their selves his grandparents he did relent to let Cathy hold him but just a bit. Pop Pop is ok if momma is nowhere in sight.

Having a visit to Chicago for family is nice. It's also nice in Texas to listen to the frogs when I got home last night or hear birdsongs this morning and break a good sweat on lawn chores.   

Chicago will come to Lufkin this weekend for a short visit. We will manage to have 6 0ut of 8 grandkids on hand.   


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