Wednesday, October 23, 2024

High Tides and Alligators Forever...

 I always say I'm one of those life long learners. Earlier this summer camping at the beach, we were still in the Rpod and I learned that winds gusting to 20mph would nearly take the pop out tent off the back of the camper. This trip I learned that the combination of a gusting NE wind, a nearly full hunters moon and probably a storm down south around central America will produce tides 2.76' high which is enough to reach the dunes where we have camped 3 times already this summer when the water did not even get close.  
We made a good day of it meeting Jim and Sandy and Rose and Tim and crew at the beach for some good hang time. This set up is pretty close to the edge of the water and when we left the occasional wave was washing under our camper in the background. There were more campers up and down the beach, none close, than other trips and one guy drove by to say the waves washed sand out from under his tires the night before till the slide out was on the ground.  

At least I did not get skunked on the fishing with the score one whiting which was one more than my brother in law caught. Whiting are a pan fish, no limit or size and while not the glamor of trout, reds or flounder they are decent eating. I'd like to fry up a bucket full on a cool fall afternoon and serve them up with a horsey cocktail sauce. 

The water approaches. Jim had moved his truck three times at this point. 

The tie eventually forced us to withdraw to Rose's driveway in Lake Jackson. Electricty and water is free there, I run the black water tank into a neighbor's flower bed and S'mores taste the same there as they do at any camp ground. 

Brazos Bend State Park is just north of Lake Jackson. We have tried to reserve there before but like most state parks near metro areas the weekends including day passes are often booked. No problem getting a Monday night campsite. We stayed the one night and enjoyed the park trails and sightings of many birds, humming birds, butterflies, deer, squirrel and alligator.   

The park is famous for the gators and though there are many swampy lakes, creeks and old river oxbows it's no boating or swimming allowed. I always find this a curious rule because locally I'm boating and swimming around gators already. Great place for the bikes and I wish we had had ours.  

Any questions about why signage in two languages is a good thing? 

How another life long learner be looking when she realize there's also a bigfoot in the park. 

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