Wednesday, August 28, 2024

That Old Three Legged Stool...

My mother never much talked about the "good old days." I think there was some cotton picking, a daily chicken killing and plucking so there was something to eat and a good bit of movement back and forth across the Mississippi River between Arkansas and Tennessee to wherever her dad, Caleb Lester Wiley thought the farming was going to be the best. Not really all that great.

 From the family history I know, and I might have some cousins that can fill in, it was along about 1942 that my Uncle Richard and family who were already in the area convinced my grandfather and Pinkey, my grandmother, that there was good work at the Box Factory in Diboll, Tx and to come for the factory job. My mother stayed to complete high school in Tennessee and soon joined them and by 1946 was working at Southland Papermill. Those good manufacturing jobs with a pay check each week beat chicken plucking.     
My mom was a woman ahead of her time and before she married bought her and her parents a house at 1208 Andrews Street in Lufkin, Tx. By 1951 after several strokes Caleb Lester passed away at this address. He was 72 years old and I don't know exactly what year he exited the workforce, either because of his age or health but I recall my mom saying he did not want to take a social security pension because he considered it welfare. I don't really know but I think they convinced him to take the money because it no doubt came in handy. 

The bill to create Social Security was introduced in 1935. The USA was one of the few modern countries of the time that did not have a safety net for it's older population. Changing times and situations such as the transition of of my ancestors from farm to city was one reason for the need to help people. The first taxes to fund the program were collected in 1937 and the first check was issued in 1940 to Ida May Filler for the princely sum of  $22.54. In her lifetime Ida collected $22,888.92 after paying in $24.75 in taxes for three years before she turned 65. She lived to 100 years old. That's a pretty good return and no doubt came in handy.       

I retired in 2020 and began collecting Social Security as soon as I could but also relying on the old three legged stool for my golden years of fun and to avoid chicken plucking. One leg I'm sitting on is Social Security, one leg is a bit of a monthly pension and another is savings, some of which through employer programs is linked to the stock market. The stock market has done well for a few years now.

I can certainly understand in these perilous times that threats to cut social security and other uncertainties have younger people in doubt that such benefits will be there for them. One leg of the stool, company pensions, is pretty much out the window these days. It does seem that things are in good shape till 2035 but action will definitely be needed and till we see positive signs of that you should save some money so that leg of the stool is solid.        

I don't know what my grandfather's savings were like and it's possible he could have paid about $200 into the program if he worked a decade past it's beginning. I never knew my grandfather but knowing Pinkey and my mom (everybody worked hard) and what they thought I believe old Caleb would have been in favor of a safety net to keep folks falling through the cracks especially the ones that got sick like him. 

Here's Caleb and brother Jim. Being Caleb was born in 1879 I'd guess this picture from the late 1890s. I don't know why they are all armed up with pistols and rifles but hopefully we won't need that to keep social security going.  

Here's Caleb Lester Wiley's death certificate. Rest easy Poppa, that's what my mom called him, my three legged stool sits pretty comfortable. Thanks for leading the way. 




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