With a big Mardi Grai weekend coming...

Here are some pictures sent by a friend of ours, Lisa, who was Queen of a Krew in Thibeaux, La. last weekend for the Mardi Gras

Looks like a lot of fun, I have been to more Mardi Gras that I can remember right this minute but I have never know a Queen before.
Well, there was that one time I saw Lorene Green, from the old Bonanza series as Bacchus riding on a float. Growing up watching all those Sunday night episodes made me feel like I kind of knew him, as good as you can know a guy I guess. I don't know if he was the king or queen, in this post Brokeback Mountain world I ponder things like that, a western, four guys, no women, why did they really call the big one "Hoss."
Any way Lorene was pretty old by this time and died not long after, not right after Mardi Gras, like I have felt like doing a few times before I got to know better, but in a couple of years. He looked like he was holding on to that float for dear life. He had a serious look on his face, Carnival is hard work for all, kings, queens and even those that get all gussied up and wave rubber sharks in the air.
I think the next time I saw the Bacchus parade some flavor of the moment TV actor was Bacchus. Not very fitting I thought. I heard the next Bacchus will be Dick Cheny.
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