Wednesday, February 15, 2006

I feel like a small animal...

The past year or so I have been cultivating a gray squirrel population in my yard. First permanent colony I have ever had in about 23 years of living here. They are extremely wild and I have been feeding sunflower seed, they like that much better than corn. Thinking about how I like nuts better than corn myself led me to examine other aspects in which we are a like. Especially at this time in my life, going to school and all. It may be hard for some to think of me as a squirrel, it would be a big one if I was, but here goes.

Those little guys get up in the morning early, just like me. Set about their business with good intentions, happy to arise and see what the day will bring. In their case it's the seeds, easy feeding. Myself, I've had a good nights rest and I am ready to commence learning. The day wears on, and other critters and people began to stir, like the squirrel I am alright alone, but the passing hours bring encounters with others and that makes both of us jumpy. I don't run and climb trees if I get spooked, but have wanted to a few times.

The seeds start to get harder to get, and for me what seemed so clear is muddied with new information that must be absorbed. Too much too much, I cry, the squirrel says not enough not enough, I want more seeds, I have eaten them all. We both cry in anguish of a different sort. By afternoon we have retreated to our dens, them waiting and napping, me to study and worry if I am studying enough.

By later afternoon, things began to ease, I am getting events and info gathered and organized. I take a break, walk out to my feeders and fill them up, getting me and my pets ready to go for another day.


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