Monday, July 17, 2006

New experiences in PT all the time...

The other day I go to meet the PT to treat the patient. It's a wound care, I get there with all our supplies and the Doctor is doing the treatment as the patient is being discharged. I peer through the door window and see what he is doing, it's ok and I think about it in terms of a lab practical, he will get a "B". It's ok, but there is something he could do to get an "A".

In a moment the nurse comes out and I mention, "would you like to dress the wound the way PT has been doing it?" I think she is looking for ideas and says yes. I show her our stuff and she takes it to the Doc. He comes out and asks all about it, the Physical Therapist has not arrived, so I fill him in. The doc turns out to be a great guy, writes all the info about the products we are using in his palm pilot. He learned something, he filed it away for later to use again. Really the first time I have had to deal with a Doctor this way, the real winner is the patient, he went home in good shape with a dressing that would function until home health took over.

I guess the moral to this little story is that to be successful, file away info, you never know when you will need it.

Oh yeah, and talk to people nice when you pass the info on.


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