Thursday, July 06, 2006

Hot and Humid...

Really enjoying the summer so far, a little relief with the rain, lush green coming out while I sit outside cooking and listening to music in the heat makes me think of New Orleans.

Not the drunken college boy throw beads New Orleans but the weird gothic southern charm courtyard superimposed to the new century but still old New Orleans. The New Orleans that did not notice the hurricane. Here is a picture my daughter Katie gave me for Father's day and I imangined it was painted in a New Orleans courtyard. It comes from one of those roadside junk shops and I really like the recessed frame. It's one of those things hanging around that I have not had time to address the thoughts it gives me because of school business.

Some think it is a little too bright and light for a New Orleans courtyard. That's even without the reflected camera flash. Personally I think it shows a little French Quarter hope.

You know, you wake up in your French Quarter digs, wander out in the courtyard with a thick cup of French coffee. It's so bright because even though you just got up it's late afternoon. It's bright because you want to make it a new day for yourself, do things different. Think of Lent maybe. I don't know why I think of Lent in summer. Oher parts of the country have some bleak winter days yet tropical plants are springing to bloom here at this time. Time to come in from the dark, new growth, time to give some stuff up.

You decide you are not beginning your evening at the dungeon when it opens at midnight. You may tell Gary Strong he can't visit anymore. It is getting a little old coming home in daisy dukes and fishnet stockings, after all you are not gay. Cook less with wine and more with olive oil. Stay at home during Mardi Gras. Limit your fried food intake to soft shell crabs. Decorate with flowers instead of weird old pictures found in the French Market thrift shops. Lose a few pounds, the matador outfit is getting a little tight. Stay away from the corner of Esplanade and Rampart. Listen to less pounding tropical African drumming that summons the Congo Square spirits and swing more with Louis Jordan. Tea instead of thick maddening French coffee that just gets you all revied up to go.

Guess I'm all revied up and ready to go.


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