Thursday, July 13, 2006

Aliens among us...

Seems that there is a great influx of cattle egrets this year. Those white birds that stand among the cattle doing I don't know what, eating the bugs off of them or something. They like bugs, when the hay balers are busy here in east Texas there might be several dozen following the tractor as it stirs up dinner. This year is a little different, there are so many of these birds they are coming into my yard and some have been even following my neighbors lawn mower. They fly over in great flocks in the evenings.

I suspect the body of these birds have been taken over by aliens. They are spying on us. Here are several (the white dots)I photoed getting ready for a cattle mutilation which is something aliens like to do. Forgive the grainyness of the picture, but that is the way it is with unapproachable creatures like aliens and big feet. You just can't get close.

The way I first suspected they were aliens is when Cathy reported seeing the big teenage that lives next door, across a grassy field when the have been landing shooting at them. Notice I said landing, that is what aliens do. The other thing they do is plant something, some kind of controller, and I suspect it might look like a bug or a grass seed in your ear to sway you to their bidding.

He was shooting at them with a pellet gun so I suspect that they have powers that render gunpowder useless. Cathy, who only supports the death of catfish, oysters and heavy beef, said she put hard eyes on him and he stopped shooting. They have put a controller in her ear.

But just think, like those movies where the main guy recognizes the problem but no one else does, this big teenager is fighting the aliens alone, shooting at them with the only weapon available, the symbolism of using a toy from his childhood to kill hanging heavy in his heart and in a sweat of fear as his big soft teenage belly hangs out pants that are really made for little skinny guys to wear down low. He no doubt shook his head at the knowledge that Cathy was controlled by them because of the disapproving glances she sent his way. He puts cotton plugs in his ears to keep out the tiny controller. The cotton has a side effect, it causes him to install ever larger and louder stereos in his car. He is a walking deaf man.

So there you have it, have you noticed these things, these suspect happenings that cannot be explained any other way? If not, it may be too late for you.

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