Thursday, January 04, 2007

Making arrests...

No not around here, at least yet anyway, though it feels that way sometimes, must have been the reason the old man always said "damn" before he said cops. I don't know of a good reason that he would have been arrested, or me either for that matter, but things can go down hill quicker than you think. That's what seems to have happen at old Saddam's execution the other day.

The news this morning reports that there was an arrest in the incident involving the video and taunting of Saddam during his ordeal. I bet if you are watching TV you know more than me because I don't get my entertainment that way so I haven't even seen the video, so I have to try to put these things in my perspective. I certainly would not expect to go to a hanging with the intent to taunt the fellow but I would think that once you got there emotion might take over and you never know what might happen. The closes thing I could compare this to in my own experience is when I went to a "Spamorama" in Austin Texas.

People were doing all sorts of things with spam. They were cooking it. Making stuff out of it Then the two areas where I am most able to relate to the emotions that might bubble to the surface during a grotesque experience such as watching a hanging, the spam throw and the spam eating contest.

Just think think about the contents of one of those spam cans flying through the air and then slipping through extended bare arms on a fine spring afternoon only to slip to the ground and be snatched up by those larger than the city dogs everyone in Austin seems to own who then defecate where decent people will step in it. Makes you want to hollar don't it? Hollar I did. Then the eating contest, a can of spam is opened and eaten as fast as possible. Watching this was more exciting than I expected. I assure you I was at a "Spamorama" for other reasons that I can't disclose just yet other than the purpose of watching an eating contest, but I quickly picked out my favorite contestant and heartily cheered him and cursed the other riders, I mean eaters, as he gobbled his way to the timed goal. My expectations rose in the back of my throat as the swallowed whole big chunks rose in his as I watched closely for the slightest bit of gagging. When my man went down I quickly changed alliances, casting my wagers in the dirt with the other crazies and screaming even louder. Who cares if it hurt anyone's feelings to be so uncommitted?


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