Thursday, May 31, 2007

The Rain in Spain...

Now I know I am not in Spain, and just like New Orleans, I am sure I would have great pleasure to be there, but I just wanted to quote a line out of an old rhyme because I get complaints of not enough poetry on these pages and besides, it has been raining.

I am not enough of an old man yet to have a rain gauge where I can track the amount of rain. I am pretty content to say it's rained a lot or just a little. Right now I would say it has rained a whole lot. The temperatures are staying cool also.

It has rained so much that if you go in my yard your body weight applied to the gumbo ground will cause water to rise from crawdad holes in a two foot diameter around. It might not just rise depending how hard you step, it might shoot up your pant leg.

Now I know rain is good, some places and people in the world have not near enough. The impact around here right now is that my clean patio, the site planned for many fish frys this summer is awash with mud that has been carried there by the rising waters. Might be a week before I am able to mow the yard again without bogging down the mower. At the lake it looks to be late summer before the water level drops enough for the best catfish stumps to stick up so you will have a place to tie the boat to. Also there was a certain college student who was moving out of his apartment yesterday and got a trailer load of belongings washed clean. Maybe he was getting them ready for his move to College Station in August, they will surely be dry by then.

The rain in Spain
Falls on the dusty plain.
But we know that one day it will be dry again.
time to turn on the air and close the door
or from our hot bodies the sweat will pour
Till the rain comes to cool once more.

There's your poem.



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