Entering the video age...
I don't think I brought you up to date on the Taekwondo tournament. Mary placed 1st, Morgan took a second and I took a 3rd all in sparring. The road to World Championships next year is paved with bad food, sorry hotel beds, stinking TKD gear filling up you car and farting compadres. Whatever it takes to eck out a few tournament points.
Check out this link:
It's Mary's weapons form at the tournament. First time she has competed it and she fussed a bit about it being posted on youtube. I guess the modern thing to do is diss peoples stuff, she is worried about what comments it may bring, but as her dad I am proud and will kiss those that make bad comments. This vid was shot with my new digital camera. It took about five hours to upload with dial up so bear with me as I post other stuff. Let me know if it does well on other computers.
One more picture from the weekend. I think these are Astros fans crowded about a small hidden transistor radio.
They are praying for the other teams bats to fall silent.

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