Catching that Lighting Vibe...

I stopped by Crockett Texas on the way back from College Station and snapped this photo of a statue of bluesman Lightning Hopkins that stands outside the Camp St. Cafe, a coffee house type music venue where he used to play. Lightning was from around these parts.
I have even played my guitar inside the Camp St Cafe where Lightning played his. It was at a guitar workshop conducted by a modern bluesman. He was showing us the right places to put our fingers. I was having trouble putting mine in those places. I don't think anyone else has ever commented to me that I was putting my fingers in the wrong places, but then I really don't talk about stuff like that too much, I just judge the emo vibe.
I think that's what Lightning did. He spent his later years by all reports laying on a cot in a rented room all day drinking gin till it was time to play. It is said that after a day of the gin drinking Lightning could not always put his fingers in the right places on the guitar.
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