Sunday, January 27, 2008

Weekend off is kind of slow...

...but the big event is yet to come.

Started Saturday with an all day training session for RCIA team members in Tyler. Slow for me sitting in the class all day but will help us as we continue to participate with helping adults on their faith journey at church.

That evening we stayed in Tyler to visit with Quince (not his real name) and his wife Terry. I guess I have know Quince since about 1976. He and Terry have been married 13 years.

Had a real nice dinner at Mario's where Quince and Terry were well know to the staff.

This is not the first time me and Quince have had our picture taken together. I hope you can tell, we do it so well. Whoops, there goes my poetry springing forth again.

I also received two snail mail birthday cards and an ecard so the birthday week continues.

In about 15 minutes I begin the big event for the weekend. Tomorrow I have my first colonoscopy. You know they stick a camera up your butt and check stuff out. Really not too big a deal, takes about 15 minutes and after it's over you ask them when they are going to get started. I think the big deal is the potion you have to drink to get cleaned out enough so the camera can see stuff. I will start drinking it as soon as this post hits the cyberspace.

Funny how all the other guys, the pharmacist, the doctors, your friends try to help. Not try to help stick the thing up your butt, but help with the little things that they think will make it better for you.

It's heady sensitive stuff, guys all acting like this.
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